Skip Bin Hire For Beginners

1 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you are planning to use a skip bin service for the first time, then this article is for you! This post will discuss everything you need to know about hiring a skip bin. It will look at topics such as what size bin to choose and what type of waste can be safely placed inside a skip bin. So whether you are planning a home renovation or have a large construction project coming up, read on to discover the info you need to make sure your waste disposal goes smoothly. Read More 

Two common errors business owners make when they buy skip bins

15 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Below are a couple of the blunders that business owners tend to make when they first buy skip bins for their premises. Not purchasing the equipment they need to keep their skip bins clean when they first get them The skips used on busy premises will get dirty fairly quickly and so, to stop them from getting too malodorous and to prevent rodent infestations, they need washing regularly. One common error made by quite a lot of business owners is not bothering to buy the items they need to sanitise the bins they have bought and instead, making do with whatever cleaning products they happen to already own. Read More 

The Wonderful Benefits of Hiring Skip Bins for Your Event

13 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Are you organising an event soon? Business, sporting, and social events give people a chance to meet and have a good time together. While this is entertaining, it is crucial to know how you'll manage waste since lots of waste will be produced. One of the efficient and affordable options you can consider to get the post-event cleaning process underway is to hire skip bins. Skips bins come in different types and sizes, meaning it won't be difficult to find bins that suit your needs. Read More 

Five Items That Can Help Deter Possums From Your Business’s Skip

27 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you've got possums digging in your business's skip bin hire in the evening, you may return to work in the morning to find rubbish all over the place. Luckily, there are ways to deter these little nocturnal creatures from creating unsightly messes. In particular, these five things can help: 1. Padlock  If your skip is lockable, make sure that you close and lock it each night. Typically, a lockable skip has a little ring on the lid that lines up with a little ring on the side of the skip when its lid is closed. Read More 

Things to Keep In Mind When Contemplating Skip Bin Hire

28 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Remodeling projects and household renovations can generate a lot of waste. Since this trash may be overwhelming for your regular collection services, it may be pertinent to contemplate skip bin hire from companies like Binshoot Bin Hire to ease waste disposal during the project. However, it is not simply about selecting the first company that you come across when doing your research. There are a number of things that you should keep in mind to ensure that you will be making the most of your skip bin hire. Read More