Two common errors business owners make when they buy skip bins

15 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Below are a couple of the blunders that business owners tend to make when they first buy skip bins for their premises.

Not purchasing the equipment they need to keep their skip bins clean when they first get them

The skips used on busy premises will get dirty fairly quickly and so, to stop them from getting too malodorous and to prevent rodent infestations, they need washing regularly. One common error made by quite a lot of business owners is not bothering to buy the items they need to sanitise the bins they have bought and instead, making do with whatever cleaning products they happen to already own.

Because these bins are big and heavy, they are much easier to clean when their owners have a few key items, such as wet and dry vacuum with an extendable hose (this will allow whoever washes the skips to quickly extract all of the of soapy water they use to clean it, instead of having to climb in and remove this water by the bucketful), a stepladder that enables them to access the lip of each bin and to clean the inside, as well as a long-handled, hard-bristled sweeping brush that they can use to scrub each bin's base.

If a business owner doesn't stock up on these items when they buy their skips, they could be more inclined to postpone the cleaning or to do it in a half-hearted manner (by, for example, splashing a bit of disinfectant on the bin's interior). This may, over time, lead to the bin's interior getting coated in dirt and starting to reek of a mixture of rotting rubbish and disinfectant.

Opting for immobile skip bins instead of ones on wheels

Some business owners also choose immobile skip bins, rather than ones that come with wheels. Whilst the latter are ideal for temporary projects (such as renovation work) that will create a lot of refuse, they're not the right choice for premises which require permanent bins. The reason for this is as follows; all businesses change and grow over time. As this happens, their owners may need to update the layout of their premises and move around certain items, such as their skips. For example, if a business owner decides to expand their car park into the area where they have been keeping their skips, they may need to move those bins to a different section of their property.

If the bins are on wheels, this should take no more than a few minutes to accomplish and will not cost them anything. Conversely, if this business owner has immobile skips, they'll need to get a tow truck to lift and transfer them to the new spot on their premises. They'll then have to pay for this service and spend their valuable time arranging for the truck owner to complete this task.