4 Major Services Offered by Rubbish Removal Companies

27 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Waste removal is something everyone needs, whether they live in a large space or a tiny apartment. However, when most people think of rubbish removal, they simply assume the only service they offer is picking up trash at a designated weekly schedule. This is not the case though. There are other major services that are offered by professionals to cater to a myriad of needs.

1. Home waste removal

When it comes to waste disposal from your home, there are a few factors to consider: the volume of the waste collected, the most convenient time for you and your location. When seeking out these services, ensure you get several free quotes from the different companies. Some companies may offer you a flat rate for the waste disposal whereas others may charge you depending on frequency and the volume. Most consumers generally prefer a flat rate so they know how much they will have to pay from the beginning.

2. Hard rubbish removal

Professional companies almost always dispose of hard rubbish as lugging around these waste items could prove to be quite cumbersome for the homeowner. Examples of hard rubbish include televisions, washing machines, air conditioning units and more. If these appliances are broken down beyond repair, you need to ensure they are in capable hands so as to be disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.

3. Deceased estate clean up

When a loved one passes away, sorting out their belongings can prove to be a tedious task. More often than not, you will come across a variety of items that cannot be put into good use anymore. In these instances, the professionals can come in and offer you two services.

For one, they can help with the clean-up especially if you would like the home to emptied of everything and put the house for sale. Secondly, they will sort the valuable items from the non-valuable ones, then dispose of all the items that are not needed anymore.

This service is time effective. It also can be quite cathartic, as you will not have to subject yourself to rustling through your loved ones items. Instead, all you need to do is approve what stay and what goes.

4. Green waste disposal

This is especially handy for homeowners with a green thumb. Some professionals will specialise in eliminating only recyclable waste such as hedge trimmings, wood chippings, animal beddings and more. They will then take the green waste to locations that can ensure it's decomposed properly or put to better use.

Learn more about what these services will do for you by consulting local options like Skip The Tip-Newcastle.