Tips for Handling Large Clean-Out Jobs at Home

31 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog


When your attic, basement, garage or just your home in general needs a major clean-out, this job can get overwhelming. You may not know where to start, how to bag up the trash that needs removing or how to sort items you can recycle, put in long-term storage or donate to charity. Because it's so overwhelming, you may simply keep putting it off. A good way to solve this problem is to hire skip bins and break up the work.

1. Planning the sorting

First note how you will sort your items. Do you really have so many things that you can give away to a charity, or should most things simply be tossed or recycled? Do you have items you can take to long-term storage, such as tools you use only on occasion and seasonal sporting goods?

Get a few small skip bins for each of these categories. A skip bin you tow behind your car can carry the items you'll take to a long-term storage facility. You can put old clothes, holiday items and other such items in plastic totes and then stack the totes in the trailer. Add the sporting goods and other such items. 

For items that can be recycled, get another towable skip bin. This might include old appliances and car parts or wood furniture that's no longer salvageable. By planning your sorting beforehand, you know how many skip bins to get and which type. For plain rubbish, you'll get a trash bin that can be hauled to a landfill, but for taking items to a storage facility or recycling centre, choose a trailer bin.

2. Break up the work

To avoid being overwhelmed, break up the work over a few days. One good way to do this is to get a skip bin for things that are outright rubbish and start with these. If you get a skip bin for rubbish items and go through your things, tossing out anything that you know cannot be recycled or donated, you may find that you have far fewer items left over to then sort. Next, work on things you know you don't want to keep but which can be recycled, such as broken appliances. Get another skip bin and work through these.

After tossing out everything that is absolutely rubbish and taking other items to the recycling centre, get your trailer bin for items you know you'll store. Put those in totes and put them in a storage facility. Now you're simply left with items that you need to decide if you want to keep or donate, but since you've tossed out, recycled and stored so many other things, you'll see this stage of the job is probably very easy and not so overwhelming.